Rug Pricing Calculator

How Should I Price My Tufted Rugs?

I see a lot of posts from folks with confusion about how they should price their rugs. Here is an easy way to get started.

There are a lot of factors to consider when calculating the price you want to charge a customer for a custom rug or a commission.

A simpler starting list could include: 

  • Cost of Goods to make your rug
  • The dimensions
  • Time spent making your rug

Other things to consider would:

  • Time spent communicating with your customer
  • Quality of your work
  • Quality of Materials used
  • Current Market value of similar products
  • Commission or Creative Piece?

To help simplify the process or at least help you get started. I've created a calculator that will hopefully help you decide on a price that is fair but also helps you realize the value of not just your creativity, time or labor, but your worth as an artist.

How to use this calculator?

Consider a rug you've made in the past that will use similar materials, fabric, yarn, adhesives, backings, etc. Use the dimensions from that rug, the cost for materials and the time spent completing the rug including your finishing process (backing, shaving, carving). Add those numbers into the calculator below then include dimensions for your NEW project and how much you want to make per hour. This will calculate your asking price and approximate time spent and new materials costs. 

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Tuft Stuff Rug Pricing Calculator

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